The Auburn Health Services Administration major is a dynamic undergraduate Bachelor of Science program that prepares students for a great variety of positions as hospital administrators, clinic managers, long term care administrators, medical sales representatives, public health officials, insurance specialists, pharmaceutical sales representatives, management consultants, and health care information technology specialists.
Health care systems of the future will focus on improving others’ lives through health care information technology, cutting-edge research, improved organization, and strong management. The HADM program prepares tomorrow’s health care leaders to guide these systems and shape health care policy in an ever-increasingly complex and dynamic environment.
Auburn’s HADM program is the first AUPHA accredited undergraduate program in the state of Alabama and has been educating health care leaders for more than thirty years. It has over 2,000 alumni in thirty different states and is one of a handful of health administration programs in the country to offer national and international internships for undergraduate students at some of the world’s leading health care institutions.
Haley Center 8082
Auburn University, Alabama36849