McWhorter School of Pharmacy has been preparing those called to our profession for more than 85 years. Our mission is to prepare students in a nurturing, Christian environment to be exemplary pharmacists. This means our faith calls us to a greater purpose as educators and professionals. It’s central to what we do and it’s what makes us different.
Pharmacy remains one of the most important professions in today’s evolving healthcare system. McWhorter School of Pharmacy is fortunate to be part of the College of Health Sciences. The College promotes inter-professional education and our students train alongside learners from the Ida V. Moffett School of Nursing, the School of Public Health, and the School of Health Professions. At the intersection of these schools is the Center for Faith and Health, which provides a critical link between our academic programs and the communities we serve. These experiences distinctively prepare our graduates to work side-by-side with other healthcare professionals combining pharmacy and faith to improve health.
800 Lakeshore Drive
Birmingham, Alabama35229